VNS therapy surgery as an option for Alex

VNS implant

This Monday (Feb. 6th) Alex has an appointment with a neurosurgeon to weigh benefits and risks — and to prepare for the surgical procedure — of her having a VNS (Vagus Nerve Stimulator) device implanted under the skin. Alex’s seizure disorder just hasn’t been under control for a while now. So after exploring a number of different medical and homeopathic avenues, VNS therapy ( appears to be the next best thing for her.

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    These study findings further establish VNS therapy as a beneficial option … not candidates for resective surgery, or who have failed resective surgery. .

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     physicians often turn to nonpharmacologic options: epilepsy surgery, ketogenic  In 1997, the VNS Therapy System™ (Cyberonics, Inc) was approved by Blumer D, Davies K, Alexander A, Morgan S. Major Psychiatric